ameela Jamil: "I Implore You To Make Memories That Extend Beyond What You Have Eaten Today"
General global physical requirements for women in 2019:
Be thinner, have longer legs, have a small waist, but have a big, pert bottom, with absolutely no stretch marks on it. Have a thigh gap while supporting this big bottom. Have big but eternally pert breasts, thin upper arms, and a defined collarbone. Have no lines on your face, but do not have a fat face. You must be very angular, but eternally youthful. You must have large eyes, a small nose, and big pouty lips, whatever your heritage.
Whatever skin colour you naturally are, it’s the wrong one, and must be immediately remedied with a tanning or bleaching cream. Have no hair anywhere other than on your head. Maintain immaculate nails, you dirty tramp. Please do not have saggy knees, they are so disgusting on women. Do not be weak and allow your body to give in to gravity. Be lithe, but never muscular. Have no imperfections anywhere on your person. Cellulite is foul and, although all women on earth have it, you personally shouldn’t. Pull out all your grey hairs as soon as you see them, and then dye your hair immediately, so that nobody knows you have ever dared to grow older than 30.
General global physical requirements for (straight) men in 2019: Have beard, or don’t have beard. Up to you.
I am exhausted, utterly fed up with all of the extra homework society
has assigned me to do on my body. The physical requirements demanded of
women in 2019 are, frankly, ludicrous. Yet women are expected to work as
hard as men, to achieve as much as men, be as powerful as men (for less
money than a man would make), and on top of that, appear conventionally
beautiful at all times, be very thin, and never age? Ever? Surely this
is a joke; a cruel prank?
Sadly, we know it is not. Every woman is aware of the profound double
standard that is imposed upon her, as it has been since time immemorial.
Everything – and I mean everything – bothers me about this state of
affairs, but I am also confused. If we truly understand the depths of
the imbalance, then why do we allow it to persist? Why should we be
doomed to waste our fine minds counting calories, pounds, stones and
inches when we could be counting meaningful experiences, money and
orgasms? Is it possible that, because we are regularly doused with
shame, this absurdity has become so hyper-normalised that we’ve secretly
digested it as an acceptable situation?
As a recovered anorexic – someone who has spent the better part of two
decades terrified of food, unable to wear a swimsuit in public, or have
sex with the light on – please know, I judge no one who believes their
worth is defined by their aesthetic. For me, it took therapy and a daily
practice of body neutrality/ambivalence to gradually let go of the
misguided notion that I owed anyone anything regarding my appearance.
And yet I still find myself incapable of “body positivity”. I’m too
scarred by how long I have spent hating and punishing myself. I can’t
just stare at my thighs and shower them with love and praise. Besides,
that would just be a new way for my mind to fixate upon my flesh again,
which is still taking up space better used for other thoughts and plans.
Instead, I don’t think about my body at all: I spend
minimal time in front of the mirror; I don’t weigh myself; and I catch
every thought I’m having about my body and instantly drop-kick it right
out of my brain. I have more important things to do. As a result, I am
the happiest, sanest, most successful and well-sexed version of myself
that I have ever known. I have so many more hours in the day, so much
more headspace. I can’t believe how much energy I was giving to
It’s hard for us to create real
change when our gender is so exhausted, malnourished, over-exercised,
primped, corseted and depressed. Imagine what we could do with all the
money and time we spend on trying to “fix” ourselves; the holidays we
could take; the therapy we could have. The irony that I am writing this in Vogue is not
lost on me. I acknowledge that some women’s magazines haven’t always
served the best interests of all women.
But I believe in the power of Vogue,
as an epicentre of culture, to recognise and remedy the pain of erasure
and impossible expectations. I believe in its power to kick the door
open and extend an invitation to the previously forgotten to be included
in fashion’s idea of “the fantasy”. I am already seeing it happen. I want you to know, I love fashion; I love make-up; I love shoes. I’m in
no way demonising an interest in these things. I’m not suggesting they
shouldn’t be a part of our lives.
They are works of art to me; I see
value in them. Men are allowed to enjoy and indulge in these things, and
so should we. The difference is, men are not so attacked in the
process. Men are afforded more variety, more time, more dignity. Their
entire value isn’t hinged on their appearance. Their exterior is a bonus
and not a basic foundation of their worth.
I want that for us. We are
too special and too interesting to be judged solely on our appearance;
too powerful to be caught in such a constricting harness. Our variety is
beautiful, interesting and important.
So I implore you to make memories that extend beyond what you have eaten
today. Ask questions like, who would I be if I weren’t so busy being
perpetually disappointed in myself? Block out the negative voices.
Defend yourself against them, as you would if you heard someone say
these things to a beloved friend. If you don’t think your friends have
to be thinner, younger and more beautiful to deserve happiness, then why
should you?
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